As a woman born into a fixer’s soul, I find myself over exerting and deeply caring for others which often leaves me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Unsure where my needs begin, and theirs end.
At a very young age I unconsciously stepped into this role when my dad passed away, feeling the need to keep my home happy and to heal everyone in their sadness with my love.
Fast forward 20 years, and I still continued my deep self-sacrifice in hopes to mend my husband’s alcoholism and addiction. This pattern left me feeling unfulfilled, unhappy and deficient, almost as if I couldn’t catch a break.
I finally realized that I placed my contentment on whether someone needed me, instead of receiving happiness from my own inner source.
What would it feel like to put your oxygen mask on first?
What if you learned to listen to your soul‘s basic needs and possibly even deeper desires?
What if you could TRULY trust yourself to navigate the twists and turns of life with ease?
How would awakening trust and love within yourself make a difference in your life?
I know first hand how rewarding it is to FINALLY start setting boundaries, to put myself first after years of self-sacrifice.
I know what it’s like to start feeling connected to my soul, and to hear my heart whisper allowing myself to unapologetically being love with who I am , giving me a deep sense of freedom and endless peaceful energy to support others with.
I’m also thrilled to offer a bonus one hour session in the evening each day, with 14 amazing guest speakers to share their golden tips and journey of self-love.
Open your heart, open your mind, the time is now! If this free 7 day deep dive immersion can shift your mindset, your connection to heart and the way you live your life…. Why not take advantage? Instead of questioning when and whether you’ll reach full fulfillment, what if this is the moment you’ve been waiting for…
You will receive:
- Daily guided meditations to listen to your heart whisper
- Daily discussions to shift perspective and open the mind
- Daily challenge to create action
- Daily journal prompts to deep connection with self
- BONUS Speaker sessions to hear from others like yourself
DECEMBER 5TH - 13TH (no weekends)
Feel free to contact me, I’d love to get in touch with you.
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